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Humanitarian Action for Children 2024 - Uganda



Uganda continues to face multiple humanitarian risks, including disease outbreaks, high numbers of refugees, climate shocks (floods, droughts), food insecurity and high rates of malnutrition.

More than 89,000 children aged 6–59 months and 10,000 pregnant or lactating women are projected to suffer from acute malnutrition in the Karamoja subregion between February 2023 and January 2024.

UNICEF will provide life-saving integrated multisectoral humanitarian assistance to children, adolescents, women and girls and people living with disabilities through partnerships with government authorities at all levels and with non-governmental organizations.

The UNICEF response is informed by gender analysis and accounts for the differentiated risks, needs and capacities of women, girls, men and boys.

In 2024, UNICEF requires $28.4 million to reach 1.2 million people (including 612,000 women and girls and 138,000 people with disabilities) with critical humanitarian assistance in Uganda.