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Examining the integration of refugees into the national health system in Uganda: an analysis using the policy triangle framework




Uganda has been confronted with a sustained influx of refugees for decades. This prompted the government to explore opportunities to integrate refugees into local service structures including its national health system. This paper chronicles the history of policies and strategies that have influenced the integration of refugees into the national health system in Uganda and investigates factors that impacted policy evolution and progression.


We used a case study approach that drew on a document review and key informant interviews with 28 respondents at national and subnational levels. Interviews were analyzed using thematic qualitative analysis and findings were organized using Walt and Gilson’s Policy Triangle Framework. Data from the literature review, media review, and key informant interviews were triangulated.


Uganda’s experience with the integration of refugee’s dates to 1999 when the country first implemented the Self-reliance strategy. Since then, policy learning and evolution have taken place, with policies around integration evolving and improving over time, moving the country towards more effective implementation of integrated health services. A conducive policy environment was key as a set of legislations at national and district-levels and sector-specific plans and budgets that included refugees have provided the foundation for implementation. The integration received support and buy-in from the highest levels of government including the President and the Office of The Prime Minister. This was coupled with deliberate efforts by the government to mainstream refugee response in local plans and budgets, allowing implementation at district and sub-district levels. These factors were pivotal to the implementation of the integration agenda.


Our study highlights the complex, dynamic, evolving, and multifaceted nature of the multisectoral health policy process in the integration of health services in refugee settings. The findings shed light on the importance of collaboration between stakeholders, mobilization of legal and political frameworks to shape the integration of refugee health services into the national health system, and the importance of ensuring that high-level commitments translate to action and development plans at local levels.