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CECI Uganda Impact Report 2020-2022


With your unwavering support, we have improved the safety and wellbeing of 103,882 refugees and hosts in Koboko and Yumbe, Uganda. Witness the remarkable power of Refugees Empowering Refugees.

At CECI Uganda, we take great pride in being a Refugee-led Organization that embodies resilience, empowerment, and inclusion. Discover inspiring stories of refugees who built resilience, rebuilt their livelihoods, prevented conflicts, and contributed to their own development and that of their host communities.

We believe in the power of local solutions and local innovations in addressing poverty and conflicts at CECI Uganda. These solutions, shaped by local needs and communities, prepare refugees to become self-reliant, rebuild their homelands or thrive in new resettlement countries.

As we celebrate this milestone this #WorldRefugeeDay, we are committed to expanding our impact with your continued support fueling our work. Share the report. Spread the word. And join us in empowering refugees to build resilience, prevent conflicts, rebuild livelihoods, and actively participate in their own development.