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Uganda + 1 more

Airlink and Ethiopian Airlines Partner to Curb the Spread of COVID-19 in Ugandan Refugee Settlement

May 13, 2020 (Washington) -- As part of its mission to mobilize the aviation industry in times of crisis, Airlink partners with airlines to move relief workers and emergency supplies from non-profit partners into affected communities. The organization recently partnered with Ethiopian Airlines to transport hygiene kits to Uganda in hopes of preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the Bidi Bidi refugee settlement.

The eight-ton shipment was transported free-of-charge for Medical Teams International, a nonprofit organization focused on restoring health in crisis-stricken communities, who will be distributing the supplies to refugees.

The settlement in northwestern Uganda is occupied by more than a quarter of a million people fleeing South Sudan’s civil war.

“Every challenge we face in the United States in the fight against COVID-19 is multiplied for people living in refugee camps,” said Corbin Walker, Medical Team International’s humanitarian logistics advisor. “We can wash our hands and wipe down our groceries. We can use hand sanitizer after touching a surface. For the world’s most vulnerable, there is little clean water for washing hands. There is no soap and no hand sanitizer. Thanks to Airlink, Medical Teams is able to provide hygiene kits to refugees in Uganda – helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

Through Airlink, more than 130 aid organizations are able to quickly and efficiently provide medical aid, food, access to clean water, shelter, and other assistance to some of the world’s most vulnerable beneficiaries. Airlink has transported more than 77,000 pounds of aid in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to continued need and requests from partners to transport additional emergency supplies, Airlink is raising funds to support future flights and operations. Follow Airlink’s response to COVID-19.