Written by Catherine Ntabadde
They trek long distances searching for a new home. They move village to village until they find themselves at the boarder of Uganda and Congo.
Even after crossing the Uganda and Congo boarder at either Nteko or Bunagana, they have to walk a distance still not sure of where to go. Later on, a UNCHR truck comes to collect them from the reception centre.
These are refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo who were driven to the transit camp at Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS) Kisoro Branch Offices
Many of them are women with children. On Wednesday (18th January), the UNHCR transported all the 189 refugees from URCS Kisoro offices to Oruchinga Refugee Settlement in Isingiro District. One of the women refugees gave birth on the way to Oruchinga. When the Red Cross visited them in Isingiro, the baby and mother were in good condition.
The camp commandmant John Sentamu said the 189 refugees are being hosted temporarily at a primary school after which they will be relocated to Oruchinga reception centre