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START Network Alert 630 Tuvalu (Drought) - Learning Grant: Water and Hygiene Assessment Findings Report, Executive Summary


Survey Findings


In July 2022, the Government of Tuvalu declared a State of Emergency due to worsening drought conditions across the country. The northern islands were severely impacted, particularly Niutao, where local actors had to turn to distributing bottled water in response to a critical undersupply of household water for drinking and general purposes.

This survey was completed as part of a grant under the START learning initiative, and the main purpose was to conduct a water and hygiene focused needs assessment for drought-affected populations on the three northern islands of Nanumea, Nanumanga and Niutao, with a particular focus on gender and inclusion. The northern islands can be difficult to reach and are often not included in research projects for this reason. Conducting a needs assessment provides data that national and local actors can use to inform ongoing drought response efforts, particularly around longer-term, equitable access to water, as well as assisting in better planning and delivery in future responses. The number of people surveyed was 258, representing 22% of the total population aged 13 and over (although a few 12 year olds were included). A survey conducted in October 2022 by the Tuvalu National Disaster Management Office provided a starting point for the START learning grant exercise.