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Türkiye + 2 more

WFP Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Response, Situation Report #5 (23 February 2023)


In Numbers

Overall reached: ~2.3 million people

Syria: ~1.3 million earthquake-affected people reached.

  • 380,000 people received ready-to-eat rations and hot meals. 915,000 people in government-controlled areas and North-West Syria have received their regular General Food Assistance rations and cash transfers, most of whom are affected by the earthquake.

Türkiye: 973,000 earthquake-affected people reached.

  • 868,000 Turkish citizens and Syrian refugees have received hot meals in municipal community kitchens and through partner kitchens. 105,000 Turkish citizens and Syrian refugees have received family food packages in camps


  • WFP earthquake emergency response in Türkiye and Syria continues at pace and scale, reaching nearly 2.3 million quake-affected people so far in both countries.

  • A total of 125 WFP trucks have crossed into NWS over the last week through Bab-al-Hawa and Bab-al-Salam carrying lifesaving food commodities and emergency supplies.

  • WFP overall earthquake emergency response is currently funded at 13.5 percent in both countries. Timely funding is urgently needed to help affected people meet their immediate food needs.