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UNICEF Türkiye Humanitarian Situation Report No. 16 (Earthquake) for 6 February – 30 June 2023



  • Between February and June 2023, UNICEF together with government and civil society partners, has now reached 518,207 children and caregivers with mental health and psychosocial support through its 58 hubs, and over 2.7 million women, boys and girls, including through social media, with gender-based violence mitigation messaging and awareness raising information.

  • To date through UNICEF support, 1,383,374 people have access to safe water (through water trucking, provision of chlorine/chemicals, water storage, water quality testing and repair of water supply system). In addition, 586,648 people have received hygiene supplies including family, baby hygiene kits as well as hygiene kits for people with special needs.

  • UNICEF supported 396,653 children with access to formal and non-formal education, including early childhood education. 1,128,258 children received education supplies.

  • UNICEF Türkiye launched a one-off humanitarian cash transfer programme targeting families with children affected by the earthquake namely "Children First" in June and has reached 70,744 households. The programme also has a complementary component where beneficiaries will receive informative messages on child protection and social services, as well as hygiene and sanitation services that are available to them.

  • Cumulatively, 985,833 earthquake affected children have access to immunization services through UNICEF's provision of vaccines to the Ministry of Health (MoH).

  • UNICEF has a funding gap of over US$ 64 million (33%) against a funding requirement of US$ 196 million. While there are needs across all sectors, the humanitarian cash transfer intervention remains the most significantly underfunded.