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Türkiye - PWG - DITT: Accessibility Checklist - July 2023



Persons with disabilities are the largest minority group in the world, representing an estimated 16 percent of the world’s population, or approximately 1.3 billion people. About 80 percent are of working age. They are a diverse, heterogenous population that face discrimination and barriers that makes it more challenging for them to access equal opportunities.

Mainstreaming disability inclusion means a consistent and systematic approach to disability inclusion in all areas of operations and programming. Physical accessibility is built around the principle of an unbroken chain of movement, inside and outside of buildings and structures. It is highlighted by the concept, “Reach” considering the movement in the outdoor environment and reaching the buildings, “Enter, Exiting” and evacuating buildings, “Circulate” concerning the movement within a building and “Use” focusing on individual rooms and & facilities. For this reason, this checklist has been prepared to easily guide accessibility and disability inclusion efforts in our daily work.