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Türkiye + 1 more

Türkiye Earthquake Response 2023: Adiyaman Humanitarian Snapshot, as of 13 July 2023


Situation Update

The authorities are continuing to consolidate informal and formal tent settlements to meet the needs of the affected population more efficiently. According to sources, all informal and informal tent settlements will be removed by the end of July. People living in these settlements will be relocated to container settlements. Currently, there are 11 tent settlements with 5,981 individuals, and 52,816 individuals are accommodated in container settlements. The authorities have provided the required number of containers for people in rural areas, but there are persistent challenges in providing latrines and showers in these areas. Humanitarian partners are working with AFAD to secure sufficient latrines and showers for rural areas.
The transition to providing food commodities, communal kitchen facilities, and kitchen utensils, where appropriate (such as in container cities equipped with kitchens), is underway. The aim is to transition from providing hot meals to distributing food baskets or implementing a cash and voucher system. Hot meal distribution is ongoing in the remaining 11 tent settlements.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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