Overview of Most Affected Provinces
Adiyaman: Adiyaman city center largely destroyed, estimated two thirds of city population relocated. Influxes reported in other villages/districts. In the province, Besni and Kolbasi districts are reportedly severely affected. Overall, an estimated 13,000 people have left the province. At least 13 temporary settlements have been established in the province. All but one hospital are damaged.
Hatay: Severely affected by the first quake, it became epicenter in the 20 February quake. The districts of Semandag, Defne, and Hatay are reportedly severely damaged; 60% of buildings in Semandag are damaged. The province is hard to access in general; Antakya particularly difficult to reach. Shelter solutions reportedly lacking. No health facilities are functioning in Defne, Semandag. Many health facilities in other districts are damaged or have been evacuated. At least 57 temporary settlements have been established in the province.
Gaziantep: Islahiye and Nurdagli districts reportedly hit hard. Main building Gaziantep hospital closed. 43,500 people are sheltering in at least 51 temporary settlements.
Kahramanmaras: Areas around K.Maras remain difficult to reach; estimated 26 temporary settlements; 15 tentsites in K.Maras city. In some tents/containers, the latrine to people ratio is reportedly 1:20. Elbistan–Golbasi road is inaccessible. As in all provinces, WASH needs are insufficient. Assessments in sites of Onikisubat Stadium, Atatürk Park, Kafum and Elbistan town center show significant lack in showers and latrines.
Malatya: Malatya city is heavily damaged. Increased displacement in nearby districts, including Arguvan. Areas around Malatya are difficult to reach; at least 40 temporary settlements.