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Türkiye + 1 more

Türkiye Cash-Based Interventions Technical Working Group – Flash Appeal, Terms of Reference



An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 was recorded in Türkiye at Pazarcık district of Kahramanmaraş province on Monday, 6 February at 04.17 local time (02.17 CET) impacting 11 provinces in the south-east region of Türkiye; namely, Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Gaziantep, Osmaniye, Malatya, Adiyaman, Adana, Diyarbakir, Kilis, Sanliurfa and Elazığ as well as in north Syria.

The Turkish government is leading the response through coordination by the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD). The Türkiye Earthquakes Flash Appeal was launched on 16 February upon the Government of Türkiye’s call for international assistance, to galvanize resources and enable humanitarian organizations to rapidly ramp up their operations in earthquake-affected areas in support of the government-led response.

Flash Appeal provided an estimate of the response requirements, amounting to USD 1 billion to support 5.2 million people. The total population in the eleven most affected provinces is of 15.5 million, of which 9.1 million are directly affected. Within that Flash Appeal, Multi-purpose Cash & Social Protection sector targeted 1.5 million earthquake affected people and appealed for USD 143.6M, as well as sectoral cash and voucher assistance is planned under Shelter/NFI, Food Security, Early Recovery and Livelihoods sectors. To meet the coordination needs around multi-purpose cash and sectoral cash and voucher assistances, the Cash-Based Intervention Technical Working Group accountable to the 3RP coordination in Türkiye, expanded to address coordination needs specific to earthquake response. CBI TWG under 3RP will continue its coordination in its area of responsibility, during and after the completion of Flash Appeal specific coordination mechanism.


Cash Based Interventions as terminology covers all cash and voucher form of assistance, which are used to transfer resources to an individual or household during and after a humanitarian crisis, in times of economic shock, or through social assistance programmes across a range of different sectors. Cash Based Interventions are being considered as a viable response option over commodity-based (in-kind) assistance by affected populations, as well as the humanitarian and donor community.

The purpose of the CBI TWG is to effectively coordinate the delivery of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) from multiple actors across the response to maximize resources, avoid duplications, address unmet needs, increase effectiveness, and enable programmatic coherence.

The CBI TWG is an intersectoral platform which is accountable to Coordination Cell, coordinates multipurpose cash programmes and serves all sectors in FA Türkiye to meet the basic and specific needs of the persons of concern through cash and voucher-based assistance programmes.

The CBI TWG operates by addressing issues including efficiency of the systems for delivery; effectiveness of CBIs against the programmatic and sectoral objectives; harmonization of monitoring and evaluation frameworks; technical aspects of the definition of the MEB and the transfer value against the market analysis and trends; and works to prevent overlap and duplication of programmes and beneficiaries.