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Türkiye + 1 more

Türkiye: 2023 Earthquakes Situation Report No. 17, as of 6 May 2023 [EN/TR]


This report is produced by the OCHA mission in Türkiye in collaboration with humanitarian partners and covers the humanitarian situation and earthquake response in Türkiye. It covers the period from 28 April to 4 May 2023.


• Partners are preparing for a transition from providing cooked meals to alternative modalities such as food packages or cash, identifying the feasibility of and obstacles to independent cooking for people in different locations and types of shelter.

• A total of 2.7 million Turkish lira (about US$139,000) has been distributed in multipurpose cash assistance through the Flash Appeal supporting some 27,000 people to meet their own self-identified needs in locations where markets are functioning.


Humanitarian partners are planning for a reduction in the provision of cooked meals for earthquake survivors in parallel with similar Government announcements, and in line with funding forecasts. Partners are reviewing how such a change in the modality of food assistance may affect different groups, and how best to meet the food needs of people who have been unable to safely resume independent cooking. Most of those receiving cooked meals have been living in tents and other basic shelters for a considerable amount of time without the ability to cook for themselves. In areas where hot meal assistance will end, people will require individual or community kitchen facilities, cooking items, fuel, water for cooking and dishwashing, fire safety and prevention and other considerations. Partners have noted the importance of consultation and communication with communities regarding changes in service provision, and making information available about other services, including access to cash and voucher assistance where feasible. The Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) has requested that humanitarian partners support families to resume cooking their own food through the provision of cooking items.

Short to medium-term planning for people whose homes were damaged continues to be among the most pressing needs. Government-led efforts to provide improved services and upgrades for families in tents in informal sites are taking place, particularly in urban areas. However, most of the approximately 2.6 million people (650,000 households) staying in tents will continue to do so during the coming hot summer months, with basic living conditions and limited services, which is likely to lead to harmful health and protection consequences. In tandem, there are concerns about shelter support packages and services available to groups that have stayed on their land in remote, rural and peri-urban areas, as well as those with lightly damaged but currently uninhabitable homes – amounting to two thirds of people living in tents.

The Flash Appeal for US$1 billion to assist 5.2 million people affected by the earthquakes is 30.1 per cent funded, receiving $302.9 million as of 4 May 2023, including $10 million allocated by the Central Emergency Response Fund. The apparent reduction in total funding received compared to last week is due to an accounting adjustment on the Financial Tracking Service. Although the three-month appeal for funding through the Flash Appeal will conclude on 17 May, humanitarian partners will continue to operate in line with the duration of the projects agreed with donors.

The response to the earthquakes in Türkiye continues to be led by the Government of Türkiye in coordination with AFAD and with support from the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC). The international humanitarian community continues to support the government in providing immediate assistance to the affected population, including through the direct contribution of in-kind relief items for onward distribution. In a collaborative effort, humanitarian partners are mobilizing emergency teams and relief operations, delivering relief items such as food, medical supplies, shelter, hygiene and dignity kits and WASH assistance, among other essential needs.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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