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Türkiye: 2023 Earthquakes Situation Report No. 10, as of 17 March 2023 [EN/TR]


This report is produced by the OCHA mission in Türkiye in collaboration with humanitarian partners and covers the humanitarian situation and earthquake response in Türkiye. It covers the period from 13 to 17 March 2023.


• Heavy rains have caused flash floods in Adıyaman and Şanlıurfa, two cities that were already impacted by the earthquakes, killing 18 people. Many tents were inundated by floodwaters, worsening already challenging conditions for the people living in the camps.

• In Adıyaman City Center and outskirts, AFAD reports that 220 thousand people live in tents, with many of them residing in informal settlements. This is particularly concerning given the informal settlements, already in dire need, now require additional assistance as a result of the floods.

• 2.3 million people have been identified as living in formal and informal settlements across earthquake affected areas as of 16 March. Out of this number, 1.6 million have been identified to be living in informal settlements.

• Lack of access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene facilities is a significant issue in many camps, particularly in informal settlements. This gap can lead to poor health outcomes, the spread of diseases, and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities.

• The persisting issues of overcrowding, unsafe and unhygienic living conditions in shelters pose significant risks.

• Access to education has been hampered for nearly 4 million children, including 350 thousand refugee and migrant children.

• The UN and humanitarian partners set up 87 tented temporary learning spaces benefitting about 6,100 children in Hatay, Kahramanmaraş and Gaziantep.

• Additionally, UN agencies and partners reached more than 520 thousand people with water, sanitation and hygiene assistance as well as 45 thousand people with health and nutrition assistance.

• WFP has provided more than 6 million food packages/hot meals.

• Supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), rural cooperatives and livelihoods is essential for sustaining business and household incomes and preventing further migration.

• The UN launched a Flash Appeal for US$1 billion to assist 5.2 million people affected by the earthquakes. As of 17 March, it is only 16.3% funded.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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