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Türkiye + 1 more

Sectoral Technical Guidance on Ageing and Disability Inclusion [EN/TR]


Inclusive data collection

  1. Adapt WASH assessment and monitoring tools to collect information on the capacities,
    Barriers/challenges, needs, and capacities of older people and persons with disabilities.
  2. For individual/household assessments, consider collecting sex, age, and disability disaggregated data with 10-year age cohorts. If possible, cross-check this data with the overall census of the beneficiary population looking for discrepancies.
  3. Ensure the inclusive participation of older people and persons with disabilities in WASH assessments and M&E activities monitoring and evaluation activities.
  4. Track the distribution of accessible toilets, commodes, and hygiene items distributed specifically to persons with disabilities and older persons.
  5. Identify one-off, short-term, long-term and permanent needs and plan your interventions accordingly