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Restoring Dignity and Hope through Emergency and Resilience Response for Earthquake-Affected Communities in Hatay Province

In February 2023, Türkiye and Syria were struck by two devastating earthquakes, causing catastrophic loss of live and widespread damage to dwellings and infrastructure. Over 55,000 people lost their lives, and leaving many others without homes, food, and basic necessities.
In the aftermath, survivors faced unimaginable hardships, living in makeshift shelters without access to vital services. The damage was widespread, with essential infrastructure destroyed and critical resources, such as water, electricity, and sanitation, becoming scarce.

Among the first responders, Acted, with the generous support of the European Union, quickly mobilized to deliver emergency relief in Hatay in 13 February 2023 . Building on this emergency response, Acted’s 2024 project is focused on resilience, with support from the European Union, has remained committed to providing not only emergency relief but also long-term solutions that will help strengthen the resilience of these communities in the face of future challenges.

In 2024, Acted reached a total of 8,896 individuals in Hatay with post-earthquake emergency and resilience response.

Shelter Support to Earthquake Affected Population

When the earthquakes hit, many families lost everything. In 2023, Acted quickly responded with emergency support, distributing 235 tents, 1,799 shelter kits (including blankets, mattresses, and tarpaulins), and 4,244 kitchen kits to families across the region. In 2024, Acted continued this work, providing targeted support for families facing specific challenges, such as the need for winterization supplies and light shelter repairs.

As part of 2024 intervention, Acted distributed 614 shelter and winterization vouchers, reaching 2,838 individuals in Hatay province who were in urgent need of shelter and winterization support. These vouchers helped families obtain essential supplies, including blankets, mattresses, warm clothing, and heating materials.

'For the first time, my request has been fulfilled with dignified support.' Wael*

Acted also focused on long-term shelter solutions. One of the key activities was repairing and upgrading converted containers, which had been damaged or were in poor condition. These repairs not only improved safety but also provided families with an improved sense of privacy and stability as they continued to recover. In total, 1,447 shelter units were repaired across Opet/Acted Container City and Hilalkent Container City, in Hatay province.

In Opet Container City, in Kırıkhan district, a total of 121 containers, housing 488 people were repaired . The damaged flooring was replaced with thick panels, known for their high durability, water, and fire resistance, and capacity to bear heavy loads. Moreover, gaps in the containers were sealed using silicone, ensuring protection against rainwater and wind infiltration and enhanced sound and water insulation. This intervention addressing the needs, achieved in coordination with local authorities and humanitarian actors ensuring complementarity.

In HilalKent Container City, Antakya**,** the intervention covered 1,326 containers in total Repairs for broken windows in 237 containers and the replacement of damaged flooring in 171 containers were completed. Furthermore, in response to requests from local authorities and the Shelter sector to prevent water and wind infiltration into containers, silicone and foam materials were distributed to beneficiaries across the site.

In total, this light repair intervention covered 1,447 containers, benefiting 6,058 individuals in Opet and Hilalkent Container Cities, effectively addressing the sites’ urgent.

Preserving dignified living conditions through Upgrading Kitchens

In addition to providing support to improve shelter conditions, Acted focused on making living conditions more dignified. One of the most important improvements was the installation of kitchen sinks and storage cabinets in converted containers. In Opet/Acted Container City, 420 households (2,079 individuals) benefited from this upgrade. Each of these containers was fitted with a stainless-steel sink and a storage cabinet, improving hygiene and dignity. Before these upgrades, families had to cook outside and wash their dishes in unhygienic conditions, which was both difficult and unsafe.

'Finally, I got rid of the mess of mud and water on the container floor and in front of my container. This has made such a difference for me and my family.' Layan*, a resident of the Opet/Acted site

'For the first time, our needs have been precisely addressed. People used to build their sinks manually from bricks, wood, and sheet metal. This was a game-changer.' Mr. Tanari*, who lives in Opet/Acted Container City

These simple, yet important, improvements have helped to ease daily life for families who had been living in difficult conditions for so long.

Rebuilding Lives and Restoring Dignity in Hatay

In 2024, Acted has prioritized improving living conditions for families still residing in converted containers. 420 households (2,079 individuals) in Opet/Acted Container City received kitchen sink and storage cabinet upgrades, significantly enhancing hygiene. Acted also responded to urgent shelter needs by distributing shelter vouchers to 614 households (approximately 2,838 individuals) across Hatay. These vouchers provided families with the freedom to choose essential winterization and shelter items, such as blankets, mattresses, and heating materials, ensuring that support reached those with the most pressing needs. In addition, Acted has continued to make shelter repairs in Opet/Acted Container City and Hilalkent Container City, focusing on 1,447 shelter units housing 6,058 individuals. These repairs aimed to restore safety and protection from the elements.

In all these activities, Acted has worked closely with local authorities and the community to ensure that the support provided aligns with the actual needs of the families. Community feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with beneficiaries expressing gratitude for the personalized and thoughtful nature of the assistance provided.

“How did you know our needs?” asked Riyad*, a local resident, highlighting the precision and care that went into each intervention.