What has been our response to date?
We have already committed an initial $75,000 from available resources that will be added to the funds that we receive for the Turkish/Syrian earthquake emergency. Part of our initial response in Syria will take the form of emergency assistance for earthquake victims in the cities of Aleppo and Latakia via Caritas Syria. Aid organisations in Turkey are working out the details to take up with the government.
Will the Canadian government be matching my contribution?
On February 8, 2023, the federal government announced that it would be creating an up to $10 million matching fund program limited to the Canadian Red Cross. We are awaiting further details on other possible funding announcements.
How can I donate quickly?
- By credit card: VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX
- Online: Secure donations for Turkey and Syria can be made on our website.
- By telephone: Call our toll-free number 1 888-664-3387.
- By mail: Post your cheque or money order payable to Development and Peace to
1425 René-Lévesque Boul. West, 3rd Floor
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1T7
Please write “Turkey/Syria emergency” at the bottom of your cheque or money order.
Where will my contribution go?
Your contribution will be directed to on-the-ground partners in Turkey and Syria who are actively engaged in identifying and responding to immediate priorities with a focus on assisting the most vulnerable sections of the population.
How will my donation be used?
Your donation will provide food, clothing, medical supplies, shelter, hygiene kits and other essentials that address basic human needs.
Given the scale of the disaster, and as things start to return to some semblance of normality, donations will be redirected to longer-term needs and to help families return to their normal lives.
Who are our partners?
As a rule, we work with well-established partners, often affiliated with or close to the Catholic Church, able to provide immediate assistance. Many of our partners are part of Caritas Internationalis and broader networks of Catholic, Christian, faith-based and secular development agencies.
Is Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada involved in Turkey and Syria?
Yes, and our partners are already responding and are focusing their immediate efforts on northern Syria and southern Turkey, the areas most affected by the earthquake. However, their response will not be limited and will have a positive impact on the entire Turkish and Syrian populations and all communities impacted by the disaster.
Our partners in both countries have been working in solidarity with those victimized by economic crises in very different circumstances and locations, as well as by armed conflict. Their programs have targeted impoverished, displaced, and vulnerable populations, particularly refugees and migrant workers in both Syria and Turkey. Our partners have been working courageously and without fear to serve all sectors of the population throughout the war in Syria.
What percentage of emergency relief contributions go to administration?
Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada levies a 5% administrative fee on public emergency relief donations. This fee helps offset additional costs like temporary and overtime staffing; fundraising; communications; receiving, receipting, and recording donations; etc., that are needed to mount an effective emergency response.
I want to organize a fundraiser. How can you help me?
The best way is for you to contact our animators who can offer help and link you to activities planned for your area. You will find their contact information on our website.
If you do organize a fundraiser, kindly forward the returns in a single cheque payable to Development and Peace with “Turkey/Syria emergency” written at the bottom, along with a list of donors, the amounts contributed, and the donors’ addresses for income tax receipt purposes.