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Türkiye + 1 more

WFP Turkey: Livelihoods Situational Report (May 2021)



• 45 MUV Cohort 1 graduates and 44 participants from Cohort 2 started working as chef assistants.

• MUV scaled-up to the provinces of Konya and Kayseri.
The Vocational Training (VT) will start in mid-June.

• 36 EMPACT graduates started formal employment or set up their own businesses, yielding 32 per cent employability rate.

Kitchen of Hope (MUV)

• The Kitchen of Hope project aims to equip both Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens with culinary skills and widen their career prospects. It is currently being implemented in nine provinces across Turkey.
MUV Cohort 1

• 45 graduates out of 173 certified have been employed in seven provinces (Adana, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Kilis,
Mardin and Şanlıurfa), yielding an employability rate of 26 per cent.

• 1 participant from Istanbul continued OJT and two others in Istanbul (1) and Izmir (1) will start OJT in June.

MUV Cohort 2

• 96 participants graduated by completing the VT and OJT modules and 19 participants continued OJT.

• Seven participants will resume OJT together with Cohort 3 participants in June.

• 44 out of 96 Cohort 2 graduates accepted the offers and started working at their OJT locations. The employability rate for Cohort 2 currently stands at 24 per cent.

MUV Cohort 3

• 245 participants completed VT in nine provinces (Adana,
Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Kilis, Mardin, Mersin, Hatay and Şanlıurfa).

• 156 participants continued OJT in May. To minimize dropouts, MUV participants received work permission letters allowing them to go to OJT during the full lockdown imposed between 29 April and 17 May. 30 participants will start OJT in June.