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Türkiye + 1 more

WFP Turkey: Livelihoods Situational Report (June 2021)



• 45 Kitchen of Hope/Mutfakta Umut Var (MUV) Cohort 1 and 44 MUV Cohort 2 participants started working as chef assistants.

• 39 EMPACT graduates started formal employment or set up their own businesses, yielding 35 per cent employability rate.

• The call for applications for the Socioeconomic Empowerment and Sustainability (SES) programme started in 13 provinces across Turkey.

MUV Cohort 1

• 45 graduates out of 173 certified have been employed in seven provinces (Adana, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Kilis,
Mardin and Şanlıurfa), yielding an employability rate of 26 per cent.

• 1 participant from Istanbul continued on-the-job training (OJT) and two others in Istanbul (1) and Izmir (1) started OJT in June.

MUV Cohort 2

• 96 participants completed the vocational training (VT) and OJT modules and graduated.

• 19 participants continued OJT.

• Seven participants will resume OJT together with Cohort 3 participants in June.

• 44 out of 96 Cohort 2 graduates started working at their OJT locations. The employability rate for Cohort 2 stands at 24 per cent.

MUV Cohort 3

• 245 participants completed VT in nine provinces (Adana, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Kilis, Mardin, Mersin,
Hatay and Şanlıurfa).

• 156 participants continued OJT in June.


• Regular on-site monitoring visits have been conducted at OJT locations.

• MUV Endline Surveys for Cohort 3 started.

MUV Scale-Up

• The call for applications has been initiated in Bursa, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Kocaeli as well as Sivas and will continue until 11 July.

• Interviews started in Konya and Kayseri on 16 June.
The process to select 50 participants for each province is ongoing

• The VT is expected to start on 26 July and will be followed by provincial kick-off meetings with key stakeholders, local government authorities, selected participants and private sector companies.