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Türkiye + 1 more

WFP Turkey: Livelihoods Situational Report (July 2021)



• 163 graduates from three MUV cohorts started working as chef assistants, yielding 38 percent employment rate.

• 49 EMPACT graduates started formal employment or set up their own businesses, yielding 44 percent employment rate.

• 305 meals were distributed under the Network Fresh project.

• 458 new participants have been selected for Store Attendant, Chef Asistant and Housekeping trainings in 15 provinces. These trainings will be conducted under the Socioeconomic Empowerment and Sustainability (SES)

MUV Cohort 1

• 53 graduates out of 173 have been employed in seven provinces (Adana, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Kilis, Mardin and Sanliurfa), yielding an employment rate of 31 percent.

• Two participants from Istanbul and Izmir continued OJT.

MUV Cohort 2

• 111 participants completed the vocational training (VT) and OJT modules and graduated.

• 12 participants continued OJT.

• 56 out of 183 participants accepted the job offers and started working at their OJT locations. The employment rate for Cohort 2 is currently 31 percent.

MUV Cohort 3

• 245 participants in nine provinces (Adana, Ankara,
Istanbul, Izmir, Kilis, Mardin, Mersin, Hatay and Sanliurfa) were certified after successfully completing the VT.

• 90 participants continued OJT.

• 54 participants started working at their OJT locations. This brings the employment rate to 22 percent.


• Regular on-site monitoring visits have been conducted at MUV OJT locations. MUV Endline surveys for Cohort 3 have been completed.