Period covered by this Operations Update: 16 November 2011 to 9 January 2012.
Appeal target (current): CHF 9,456,121.
Appeal coverage: Up to 6 January 2012 the level of the appeal coverage has reached 76 %, through firm cash pledges and confirmed in-kind contributions.
Appeal history:
This Emergency Appeal was launched on a preliminary basis on 26 October 2011 for CHF 10,421,025 for the period of nine months to assist 10,000 households (50,000 beneficiaries).
Operations Updates no. 1, 2 and 3 were issued on 1st, 4th and 10th November 2011.
Revised Emergency Appeal was launched on 16 November 2011 reflecting the changing needs and complementing the efforts of the Turkish National Society after the earthquakes of 9 November 2011. The revised emergency appeal is supporting the Turkish Red Crescent Society (TRCS) to assist 10,000 households (60,000 beneficiaries) for 12 months with transitional shelter.