Period covered by this Operations Update: 26 October 2011 to 26 April 2012. This update represents a six-month summary of the operation (cumulative narrative and financial).
Appeal target (current): CHF 9,402,445.
Appeal coverage: Up to 26th May 2012 the level of the appeal coverage has reached 84 %, through firm cash pledges and confirmed in-kind contributions.
Appeal history:
This Emergency Appeal was launched on a preliminary basis on 26th October 2011 for CHF 10,421,025 for the period of nine months to assist 10,000 households (50,000 beneficiaries).
Revised Emergency Appeal was launched on 16th November 2011 reflecting the changing needs and complementing the efforts of the Turkish Red Crescent Society after the earthquakes of 9th November 2011. The revised emergency appeal is supporting the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) to assist 10,000 households (60,000 beneficiaries) for 12 months with transitional shelter.
Operations Updates no. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were issued on 1st, 4th, 10th November 2011, 9th January and 29th February 2012.
In October-November 2011, two earthquakes and afterwards more than 10,000 aftershocks struck the Van region in the Eastern part of Turkey. Buildings and infrastructure were heavily damaged in the cities Van and Ercis and their surrounding area. 644 people lost their lives and more than 250 were rescued from the debris.
Turkish Red Crescent responded immediately to the disaster through deployment of its disaster response teams and dispatching food and non-food relief items including tents, blankets and sleeping bags. The International Federation launched its preliminary emergency appeal to contribute to the response efforts of the National Society by mobilising international in-kind and cash contributions to the area to meet the needs of people affected by the earthquakes.
In the field, the operation has been coordinated by the Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency in terms of activities related to the delivery and distribution of relief items and the provision of emergency and transitional shelter to the population affected by the earthquake.
During the emergency phase of the operation, the Turkish Red Crescent dispatched 213,390 blankets, 23,611 sleeping bags and 57,329 sheltering units (tents and Mevlana houses) to meet the immediate needs of the population and to provide them temporary accommodation. The National Society also provided cooked meals in the camps and adjoining areas in Van province and Erciº district. In total 3,410,195 portions of cooked meals were distributed since the beginning of the operation and as of 01.03.2012 this activity was terminated.
In November 2011, International Federation revised its emergency appeal to reflect the transition of the Turkish Red Crescent emergency response into rehabilitation phase. Provision of transitional shelter to 2,000 homeless families thus became the goal of this phase of the operation. The International Federation and the Turkish Red Crescent signed the Memorandum of Understanding, defining the general principles of the implementation of the Turkish Red Crescent Container/Living houses project in Van Province. The agreement further sets the roles and responsibilities that are followed during the project implementation period.