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Türkiye + 1 more

UNHCR Turkey Syrian Refugee Daily Sitrep 13 August 2014



● On 12 August 2014, AFAD - the Disaster and Emergency Management Agency of Government of Turkey - announced that the total number of Syrians registered and assisted in 22 camps located in 10 provinces was 217,259 AFAD reported that during the period of 11-12 August 2014, a total of 47 Syrians were admitted and registered in the camps and 418 Syrians have voluntarily returned to Syria.

● On 12 Aug 2014, a meeting was called by the dept. governor with the participation of relevant state institutions (education, health, police, AFAD, etc.) as well as local and Int. NGOs including UNHCR implementing partners. UNHCR was also invited and participated in the meeting. During the meeting participants discussed the possible projects to be implemented in Adana to assist non-camp Syrians. One of the options is to open a coordination center in Adana where Syrians can be counseled and referral to available services in the city. The governorate of Adana stated that they are also open for other projects such as a Community center.

● In Adana, officials stated that the number of registered non-camp Syrians reached almost 27,000 while the officials estimate that there may still be 20-30,000 more to be registered. Officials received the second mobile coordination unit in Adana which is not yet operational. However, the registration is ongoing in Adana and working hours for registration are increased to 16 hrs with two shifts staff.

● In Harran camp, officials informed that they received a truck full of dried food as a donation from a national NGO. Camp officials informed that the food will be distributed to about 240 Syrian families living in Harran town.

● In Adiyaman, camp officials informed that about 50 Syrians living in the waiting area were admitted to the camp. The group will be registered in the camp's database and will be provided a family tent when they have some space available upon voluntary returns as well as those who left the camp on permission and did not report back. A UNHCR field team spoke to some of the Syrians in waiting area, and reportedly they have come from Aleppo and Idlib regions.

● In Viransehir camp, officials informed that they have received the instruction from AFAD Ankara for the transfer of all the Syrians (approx. 200 persons) who have been waiting at the gate to go to Nusaybin camp. UNHCR teams have been observing the group waiting at the gate of Viransehir camp for the past days. In Ceylanpinar camp officials also informed UNHCR that a few families (4-5) are still accommodated in the waiting area, will be placed in the tents when space comes available.