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Türkiye + 1 more

UNHCR Turkey Syrian Daily Sitrep 25 Feb 2013



• On 24 Feb 2013, the number of Syrians registered in 17 camps in 8 provinces is 183,846 (9% increase since end of Jan 2013) including 248 under medical treatment in the hospitals. Reportedly during the period of 19-24 Feb 2013 3,617 Syrians were admitted from the borders while 3,095 have returned voluntarily to Syria. Turkish officials estimates that ther are over 100,000 Non-Camp Syrians.

• The number of Syrans accommodated in the waiting areas is reducing, as many of them are transferred from these temporary facilities to the newly opened camps in Adana and Nizip-2. In Nizip town, for example, the number of people temporarily accommodated was reduced from 8,000 to a 4,200 in one place only.

• A Reception/Referral Center is estabilshed in Gaziantep by AFAD is providing support and referring vulnerable Syrians to the existing assistance mechanisms of the Municipalities and Sub-Governorates. Spontaneous new arrivals as well as those who have arrived through informal channels are registered by the authorities, issued an AFAD ID card which given them access to to medical and other assistance mechanisms. The same set up is also planned for several more provinces including anliurfa , Adana and Nizip town.

• UNHCR Field Teams continued to be present in the camps to observe the voluntary nature of the returns and also provided advice to the newly assigned staff as well as some technical advises on protection related issues such as unaccompanied minors, separated children etc.. During the visit to the last opened camp (Adana -Sarcam), the local authorities warmly welcomed UNHCR Team and requested to be present more often.

• FAO is visited with provincial officials, the Islahiye camp, and the environments of Gaziantep to further assess the impact on hosting communities due to the arrival of the Syrian popuation as well as the impact of reduced trading opportunities due to the conflict. The needs assessment will be done in coordination with local officials and will contribute to a regional response plan for early recovery planned for Syria and neighbouring countries.