Key Figures (as of 31 August 2021)
4 million Refugees and asylum-seekers in Turkey including over 3.6 million Syrians under temporary protection and over 330,000 international protection status holders and asylum-seekers of other nationalities.
Over 98% of Syrian refugees live across Turkey in 81 provinces, while 1.5% are hosted in seven temporary accommodation centres managed by DGMM.
5,600 Refugees were submitted for resettlement consideration to 14 countries in 2021 so far. Over 4,300 refugees departed for resettlement to 13 countries, 79% of whom were Syrian and 13% Afghan.
32,900 Calls answered on the UNHCR Counselling Line in August with the majority of calls enquiring about resettlement opportunities followed by legal assistance.
Among those were 4,650 calls which came through UNHCR’s dedicated GBV line, where 2,700 individuals chose GBV-related counselling.