The COVID-19 outbreak, which emerged in Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei region in December, soon spread all over the world and the World Health Organization (WHO) virus declared a Pandemic on March 11. In Turkey, the first case was determined on March 11, which was the same day as the WHO’s pandemic declaration, and as of March 16, compulsory holidays were announced for primary, secondary and high schools and 3 weeks for universities. Then, since the end of the pandemic could not be predicted, solutions were sought for the educational continuity of children in Turkey as well as all over the world. On March 23, it was announced that distance education would continue for primary, secondary and high school students through the Education Information Network (EBA) and TRT. According to the course of the pandemic, even though Turkey took steps to realize the face-to-face education for certain classes, this participation was left to the initiative of the families and in 2021, the education continued mostly remotely.