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Türkiye + 8 more

Turkish Red Crescent Annual Activity Report 2012


Turkish Red Crescent responses to countrywide disasters with the coordination of National Directorate General for Disaster Management, through 9 District and 24 Local Disaster Management & Operation Centers. The disaster response activities are conducted with support of 260 expert disaster personnel and personnel that work in other units of the institution across the country.

Disaster intervention activities are being carried out with active participation of not only the institution’s professional staff but also volunteers.
A Disaster Volunteers System was established to welcome disaster volunteers in the disaster relevant activities in 2012.
Turkish Red Crescent, whose primary role and responsibility covers accommodation, food and psychosocial services in the event of the disasters that have adverse impact on the entire country, assumes studies to improve capacity in these service areas.

Throughout 2012, basic disaster trainings, workshops, and exercises were carried out within the scope of preparation activities.