Feb 2017
The Syrian Refugee Resilience Plan (SRRP) 2017–2018 is the guiding instrument for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to address the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis in Turkey. The SRRP enables FAO to provide a strategic response to the food security needs within the refugee communities and to facilitate, through sustainable livelihood-oriented approaches, the positive synergies that can support both Syrian refugees and host communities.
The development of the SRRP is based on the findings of missions undertaken in close cooperation with the Turkish authorities both at central and local levels, in particular with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL),and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), as well as the Ministry of Development (MoD), and the Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM).
Additional analysis and review of available data and reports have been carried out by FAO Technical Officers in Turkey, supported by the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and FAO headquarters. The SRRP has also benefitted from FAO’s presence and experience in the border region and its close relationships with the Government of Turkey and the international community operating in the cross-border humanitarian response, as well as informed contributions from the Food Security Working Group and bilateral discussions with the United Nations (UN), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and resource partners.
The SRRP is structured around three pillars and designed as an integrated approach:
Pillar 1 – Food Security: Increase food security and nutrition through small-scale agricultural production and promote good nutrition
Pillar 2 – Livelihoods: Enhance rural livelihoods through vocational skills training to increase access to the local labour market and establish private sector partnerships to fill labour gaps
Pillar 3 – Coordination: Increase capacity and coordination among Regional Refugee and Response Plan (3RP) partners in the design, implementation and reporting of programmes
The SRRP will target eight provinces in Turkey. This includes the provinces with the highest concentration of refugees along the southern border with Syria, complementing FAO’s existing cross-border programme and leveraging existing capacity. The southern border provinces are also major food producing and exporting regions, where potential opportunities for labour market absorption is high for both Syrian refugees and host community workers. Further activities will target the large population of Syrian refugees residing in the urban centres of Izmir and Istanbul, where scoping missions have highlighted both need and potential for labour force integration of refugees.
The first phase of the SRRP will be implemented over a two-year period (2017–2018) and requires USD 19.9 million to enable FAO to support 45 200 households (around 226 000 people), while enhancing the capacity of various organizations and institutions through information sharing, capacity building and coordination. The Plan will be updated along with the evolving developments of the 3RP.