Period covered by this Operations Update: 27 September 2014 to 15 March 2015
Appeal target: CHF 42.1 million in cash, kind, and services to support the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) until December 2015 to extend humanitarian assistance to meet the needs of some 250,000 people seeking assistance and protection in camps and in urban areas.
Appeal coverage and future revision of the appeal: There is a 52% multilateral coverage of the overall CHF 42.1 million budget, and the estimated sum of multilateral and bilateral contributions from Red Cross and Red Crescent partners account for a 85% coverage of the overall appeal budget. The minimum operational budget of CHF 26.1 million addressed by multilateral funds channelled through the IFRC Secretariat is currently covered at 96%. The appeal will be revised in April 2015 in order to better depict the latest humanitarian developments in Turkey making a special focus of activities on helping Syrian people living in the urban areas of Turkey.