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Turkey: IBC continues the contributions to the education of the children in Marmara region

IBC (International Blue Crescent) in order to eliminate the educational problems of the children in Yazl=FDk districk of Golcuk (17 August 1999 earthquake epicenter) is continuing its rehabilitation works in the region.
After the request of Ministry of Education IBC has launched a campaign to build,refurbish and equippe an additional school building adjacent to Yazlik Primary School in Gölc=FCk. The new building will accomodate four classrooms for more than 60 children and one kindergarden. The children running for education far from their district will be able to come back and continue the education in their previous school.

The district was overpopulated after the earthquake because people from inside Gölc=FCk town run to the area for safe houses.

Islamic Relief(UK) has contributed to the contruction of the school.

IBC is planning to submit the school after its completition before the end of the educational year.