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Türkiye + 1 more

Support to Public Institutions by 3RP Partners and International Financial Institutions as of March 2021


This dashboard aims to present a full overview of the support provided to Turkey to host Syrians under temporary protection and refugees from other nationalities. This encompasses support provided respectively by 3RP partners, by the EU-Facility bilateral components, by International Financial Institutions, and by bilateral development partners to Turkish Public Institutions and to the private sector. The below data includes interventions implemented since 2017 as well as on-going and planned interventions with secured funding.

Data is categorized by type of interventions: support channeled through institutions to benefit individuals, support to institutions either in terms of financial/human resources or in terms of system strengthening, and support to the private sector. Data related on 3RP interventions are based on the reports: Support to Public Institutions in the Turkey 3RP conducted since 2017. Data related to IFIs covers interventions from the World Bank, the EIB, the EBRD, KfW, ISDB, AFD, CEB, and JICA and includes both grants and loans.
Bilateral development partners include Expertise France, GIZ, and ICMPD. Data related to the EU facility is taken from the project list. The ESSN III programme by IFRC and TRC is included (as support through MoFLSS).