Regional Highlights
- All countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, except Turkmenistan, have officially reported COVID-19 cases. Armenia and Moldova are the most affected relative to their population size.
Turkey is the most affected country in absolute numbers (making up 29.6 percent of reported cases in the region). Ukraine remains the country with the highest number of active cases today. - UNFPA and the European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) continue to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and solutions from leading European institutions to countries in the region.
- UNFPA supported a community-led study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine on access of women living with HIV and women from key populations to SRHR, HIV and GBV prevention services. Findings will be released soon.
- UNFPA has finalized the Regional Guide on remote-based GBV essential services, including the specific needs of women and girls with disabilities and survivors of GBV and their referral in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- UNFPA continues to be a pioneer in the use of National Transfer Accounts (NTA) to assess the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 at country level, with great leadership by Moldova.
- UNFPA has continued to reach out to the most vulnerable with supplies, information and inclusion programmes; examples include special information materials for people with intellectual disabilities in Belarus and young volunteers teaching older people digital skills in Moldova.
- Videos providing psychosocial peer support for young people in Ukraine under the #StaySafe campaigns were viewed almost 300,000 times.