The earthquake that struck north western Turkey exactly one year ago today was among the most devastating of the 20th century. The disaster drew an extraordinary response from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, particularly the Turkish Red Crescent Society (TRCS), at a time when the resources of the International Federation’s membership had already been stretched by the crisis in the Balkans earlier in the year. This extended situation report includes an interim financial statement and details of the programme extension and budget revision promulgated to take account of changed priorities in the post relief phase. It is also intended to provide a broad overview of Red Cross Red Crescent activities over the past year to assist victims of the two major earthquakes to hit Turkey in the second half of 1999. While every attempt has been made to cover events and initiatives comprehensively, the text that follows should not be considered as an exhaustive or complete review of the work undertaken.
Appeal No. 19/99
Situation report No. 44: Budget revision and interim financial report
Programme extension 17 April 2000 - 31 December 2000
Period covered by text : 17 August 1999 through 17 August 2000