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Deployment of disaster victims to containers has being promptly continued

With the purpose of providing convenient environment for disaster victims during the winter time, works has being intensely continued.

On this framework, 27.598 containers have been ordered for manufacturing and 23.291 of them have been transferred and more than 18.000 have been deployed to affected area. As a priority, these containers have supplied for victims whose buildings are collapsed or uninhabitable. It is planned 180.000 disaster victims to be relocated to these container cities which have more capacities to shelter than the population of any other provinces in our country.

21 points in Van City Center and 4 points in Erciş District have been identified as container areas. Provided the disaster victims’ needs such as electric, water, heating, education, clothing, meals,three times a day in container cities established, it has been performed psycho-social support services.

Within the framework of works to be relocated disaster victims’ permanent houses, 3.984 houses have been laid the foundation. Completed the rough construction of many disaster houses in a short time as a month; it is planned that houses will be supplied to disaster victims on the late of August. Moreover, the process is ongoing for tender offer of nearly 11.000 houses.

70 container offices have been manufactured for mukhtars of Van and Erciş settlements. All of them planned as working office for mukhtars have been deployed.

13.488 Citizens have been sheltered in 9 tent cities established in Van Center and 1.205 Citizens have been sheltered in Mevlana houses (a type of prefabricated house) in Erciş District.

As of today 35.976 disaster victims have been also transferred from disaster area to public facilities and their needs have being provided by our state.

The number is more than 50.000 included the Citizens, have applied to relevant Governorships after having departed to other provinces with their own facilities.

Up till today, included the emergency aid allowance transferred to Van total cost of humanitarian aid supplies is 380.327.869, 00 USD. Due to supply the needs in affected area, 75.546.448, 00 USD Emergency Aid Allowance has been transferred from resources of AFAD and Prime Ministry to Governorship of Van, Ministries, Public Facilities, Universities, Organizations and relevant Governorship for relocating.

In the context of the humanitarian aid campaigns launched by our Prime Minister H.E. Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, in the accounts of our Prime Ministry, The Presidency of Religious Affairs and Turkish Red Crescent 165.027.322, 00 USD have been collected.

Deep respect and appreciate.

Dr. Fuat OKTAY Director - General