As of 30 September, 16,562 refugees and asylum-seekers are registered with UNHCR, most from countries covered by UNHCR non-return advisories.*
Among them are people with urgent protection needs, including gender-based violence survivors, LGBTQI+ individuals, and unaccompanied children.
In response to the changing context, UNHCR has adapted its operations by directly assuming activities previously implemented by several of its partners
Operational context
At the crossroads of Africa and Europe, Tunisia remains exposed to complex movement patterns involving refugees and migrants along the central Mediterranean route. Individuals from Central, West, East, and the Horn of Africa, as well as the Middle East, often undertake perilous journeys through Libya and Algeria to reach Tunisia. Among those arriving are particularly vulnerable individuals in need of international protection, including victims of torture, gender-based violence survivors, as well as unaccompanied children.
In response to the evolving context, UNHCR has adapted its response by absorbing activities previously implemented by some of its partners, thereby ensuring that registered asylum-seekers and refugees at heightened risk continue to receive critical assistance, including healthcare, legal services, shelter, and multi-purpose cash support.