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Trinidad and Tobago

Public Advisory #11 - Relief and Recovery efforts continue in communities affected by flooding

Relief and recovery efforts continue by response agencies in communities affected by the recent flooding in southern Trinidad. The ODPM continues to monitor the current flooding situation and remains in contact with the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government (MORDLG), the Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT), and other support agencies to ensure immediate assistance can be rendered if called upon.

The Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force (TTDF) and the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service (TTFS) have been working assiduously to provide Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief to persons in flood affected communities. All first responders and support agencies are on high alert and will continue to support those persons affected by the recent flooding.

As flood waters subside in affected communities damage assessments will continue by the MORDLG and the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services (MSDFS). These assessments will be reviewed and processed for the disbursement relief grant cheques.

The Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service (TTMS) has cancelled the Adverse Weather Alert and Riverine Flood Alert issued for southern Trinidad.

The TTMS has advised that conditions have settled over southern Trinidad. However, a few showers are still expected to linger into the night. Flood waters have subsided over most areas of southern Trinidad. There are still a few areas with standing water. However, no further rainfall is expected that will contribute to further flooding.

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) would like persons to continue to be vigilant and take the necessary precautions to preserve life and property. Persons are advised to protect themselves and family members while engaging in clean-up activities. The ODPM would like residents and visitors to ‘Get Ready and Stay Ready’.

Citizens should continue to monitor the website and social media profiles of the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service and the ODPM for weather forecasts, alerts, warnings and cancelations. Visit or