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Severe Tropical Cyclone Gita (TC GITA), Situation Report #9



  • 3 evacuation centers remain open on ‘Eua housing 11 families

  • 69 primary schools at Tongatapu & ‘Eua have benefitted from relief supplies provided by UNICEF

  • 8 schools on ‘Eua have had their water purified

  • 7 (14x9mtrs) tents have been erected at 5 schools on Tongatapu

  • 4 generators strategically placed close to health clinics in villages to provide power by TPL

  • TCC now in operation at ‘Eua

  • 50 generators have been distributed by NEMO to communities and ministries to assist with emergency operations

  • 112 chainsaws have been distributed to HMAF, Police, TFES, LDS, MAFF and Town Officers of communities to assist with clearing of debris in support of Logistics cluster