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NEMO leads National Tsunami Drill

08th November 2018 The Cabinet has endorsed the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) under the Ministry of MEIDECC to conduct a national tsunami drill as part of the commemoration of the World Tsunami Day which is marked every year on November 5. The exercise is set for tomorrow November 9, 2018.

According to NEMO the drill preparations are currently underway and an alert warning issued by the Tonga Meteorological Service for a 9.0 Richter scale earthquake will be broadcasted on both AM and FM radio stations live tomorrow at 12:30pm.

Director of NEMO Mr. Leveni ‘Aho said, “The exercise is internal and will not take more than half an hour to complete. Students and staff will not be evacuated from their respective schools and work places and they are being urged to gather at their respective assembly areas once the exercise starts.”

He said that the drill is not mandatory but it will offer an opportunity for families to plan carefully for an actual event. Families should know where their nearest evacuation point is located and how to get there in a safe and timely manner

“Members of His Majesty’s Armed Forces (HMAF), Ministry of Police and Tonga Fire Department will be patrolling the streets tomorrow to ensure public safety. For those who are not taking part in the drill but observing are invited to observe your local Government Primary Schools.”

The exercise contributed to the TSDF II national outcome and it will also help Tonga achieve the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction targets while addressing priority its priority areas.


Issued by the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications.