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Tonga + 1 more

Infographic: Australia’s response to Tropical Cyclone Gita in Tonga (1 March 2018)


Text version

Humanitarian relief supplies

  • 7 Australian Defence Force (ADF) C-17 Globemaster flights transported humanitarian relief supplies and technical teams
  • 135 tonnes of humanitarian supplies were provided
  • Emergency shelter tool kits were provided for over 2000 families

Technical teams

  • A medical specialist was deployed to conduct a health assessment
  • 4 Disaster Assistant Response Team members were deployed to conduct structural assessments of damaged public buildings
  • 6 DFAT crisis response experts were deployed to support implementation of Australia’s response

Protection services

  • 2 tents were provided to serve as women friendly spaces
  • Solar lights were provided to over 2000 families

Wash and health support

  • 1000 dengue test kits were provided to Tonga Health
  • Supplies to assist the sexual and reproductive health and safety of more than 2000 women
  • 200 clean birthing kits were provided to the community

Early recovery

  • 5 large generators to provide emergency electricity to village health clinics and up to 1000 homes
  • Early recovery support through civil society partners and the Red Cross Movement
  • 20 electrical line mechanics working with Tonga Power Limited to restore electricity across Tongatapu