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Togo + 1 more

WFP Togo Country Brief, October 2024


In Numbers

3, 832 households supported through Food for Assets

US$ 10.6 million six-month net funding requirements (November 2024–April 2025)

  • Preliminary figures as per ongoing budget revision.

Operational Updates

• The October 2024 Cadre Harmonisé analysis indicates that in Togo, 467,723 people are facing severe acute food insecurity (IPC 3+). Projections for June–August 2025 indicate that 541, 568 people may experience emergency levels of acute food insecurity if no emergency response is provided to the most vulnerable populations.
The northernmost Savanes Region is experiencing the most severe levels of acute food insecurity. Currently, 107,893 people, which accounts for 32 percent of the population, are facing crisis and emergency levels of acute food insecurity (IPC 3+). This figure is projected to rise to 164,420 people by June–August 2025.

• The spillover of the Sahel crisis has caused an influx of refugees into Northern Togo and has internally displaced thousands of people. Overall, 39,436 refugees and asylum seekers and 10,171 IDPs have been identified and/or registered by the Government and UNHCR from July to September 2024.