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Togo: Population Movement - Emergency Appeal (MDRTG010) Operational update


Conflicts in the Sahel region of northern Africa continue to spill over, causing the government of Togo to declare a state of emergency in the northern Savanes region in June 2022, and the displacement of tens of thousands of people seeking safety and security.

Throughout 2023, the number of displaced persons in the Savanes region has continued to grow, from just a few thousands in January to nearly 60,000 by September. As the armed confrontation continues to intensify, with attacks on civilians, civilian infrastructure, and aid convoys on the border, it is likely that people will continue to flee into safe areas in Togo. Exacerbating the situation, access to farming and pasture lands, access to health services, and access to education are very limited under these circumstances, deepening their exposure to food insecurity, malnutrition, and disease.

In March 2023, the TRC received DREF support through the IFRC to respond to the immediate needs of the affected population, targeting 10,000 people (about the seating capacity of Cameron basketball stadium at Duke University), including displaced and host communities in the localities of Kpendjal, Kpendjal-Ouest and Tône, with food assistance, water, hygiene and sanitation, as well as health services and protection. This was done alongside and in complementarity with ICRC assistance, which was already underway targeting 9,800 people with essential household items (EHIs), medicines, and medical equipment in primary health care centres.