OCHA Geneva Situation Report No.1
28 October 1999
1. Heavy rains have caused flooding in four regions of Togo, namely Savanes, Kara, Plateaux and Maritime. Nearly 65,000 are affected, of which over 40,000 are children. Most affected is the region of Savanes, where a total of 42,000 people are suffering from the flood impact. Over 1,000 hectares of arable land has been inundated, several hundred houses and more than 100 bridges have been destroyed. 800 km of road network is rendered impossible, isolating many villages. Most victims are temporarily sheltered with relatives and neighbours.
2. The information above as well as an assessment of requirements are the outcome of an evaluation mission, carried out by OCDI (Organisation de la Charité pour un développement intégral) in the affected regions at the request of and with financial assistance from UNDP-Lomé. On the basis of OCDI's report a disaster relief assistance project has been prepared and forwarded to ECHO. It seeks funding for 64,000 affected people over a period of four months: food (maize, vegoil and beans), medicines (anti-malaria) and shelter in the form of blankets, clothes, mattresses. The total amount, including local staff and transportation amounts to about 2 million USD.
3. OCDI's evaluation report has also been the subject of meetings of the local donor community under the chairmanship of the Resident Coordinator. According to the summary of the meeting, sent to OCHA, the EU-representative supports OCDIs' funding request to ECHO, a decision however, has not yet been received. UNICEF is ready to assist in the health sector and will discuss details with the Ministry of Health. Germany and the US signaled interest without specifying the sectors for which contributions could be made.
4. The meeting agreed to seek further details from the Ministry of Planning on the emergency, including the logistical support the government could make available for the transport of urgently needed items and requested the participation of the Ministry of Health in the next coordination meeting scheduled for next week.
5. OCHA is prepared to serve as a channel for cash contributions for the immediate relief needs. Funds channelled through OCHA will be spent in coordination with the relevant organizations of the UN system and OCHA will provide written confirmation of their use. Funds should be transferred to OCHA Account No. CO-590.160.1 at the UBS AG, PO Box 2770, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, with reference: OCHA -Togo Floods 1999.
6. For coordination purposes, donors are requested to inform OCHA Geneva, as indicated below, of relief missions, pledges or contributions and their corresponding values by item.
7. This Situation Report and further information on ongoing emergencies are also available on the OCHA Internet Website at:
Telephone number: + 41-22-917-12 34
In case of emergency only: + 41-22- 917 20 10
Desk Officer: Mr. Klaus Wiersing, Head,
Africa Desk
Disaster Response Branch, direct Tel:41 22 917 2270
Contact person for the media: Ms. Elena Ponomareva, direct tel:+41-22-917 23 36
Telex 4142 42 OCHA CH
Fax: + 41-22 917 00 23
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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