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Global Fund Grants in Togo

Togo is making good progress in the fight against the three diseases. Between 2013 and 2018, antiretroviral treatment coverage almost doubled, new HIV infections declined by 21%, and HIV-related deaths fell by 16%. From 2013 to 2017, deaths from malaria fell by 27, while the proportion of tuberculosis notification reached 80% in 2017, compared to a regional average of 48%. Grants are performing close to their established targets. Global Fund interventions are well coordinated with those of other donors to avoid duplication and overlaps, and Togo has strengthened its health information management system, improving the availability of health data.

Data quality, however, still requires significant improvement, with material inaccuracies found in the results reported to the Global Fund. There is poor traceability of drugs at district and service delivery level due to weak inventory management, and Principal Recipient oversight over the procurement of non-health product needs to improve. Health facilities continue to sell anti-malaria medicines to patients, despite free medicines funded by the Global Fund being available.

Global Fund Grants in Togo (GF-OIG-19-022 - 12 November 2019)

For more information:

Dougal Thomson
Mobile: + 41 (0)79 717 6694

The Office of the Inspector General safeguards the assets, investments, reputation and sustainability of the Global Fund by ensuring that it takes the right action to defeat AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Through audits, investigations and consultancy work, it promotes good practice, reduces risk and reports fully and transparently on abuse.

Established in 2005, the Office of the Inspector General is an independent yet integral part of the Global Fund. It is accountable to the Board through its Audit and Ethics Committee and serves the interests of all Global Fund stakeholders. Its work conforms to the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and the Uniform Guidelines for Investigations of the Conference of International Investigators.

The Global Fund believes that every dollar counts and has zero tolerance for fraud, corruption and waste. Through its whistle-blowing channels, the Office of the Inspector General encourages all to speak out to report fraud, abuse and human rights violations that prevent Global Fund resources from reaching those who need them.