• The Ministry of Education and WFP conducted school feeding training for school staff in Baucau to support the national school feeding programme.
• WFP started a series of training sessions on warehouse operations and management for Timor-Leste's government staff. Operational Updates Nutrition
• WFP submitted a qualitative formative research report on school-going children's nutrition to the Timor-Leste government. The research was conducted in seven schools across three municipalities to identify nutrition gaps and provide recommendations for improving school feeding programmes and nutrition.
Social protection/school feeding
• The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of State Administration, supported by WFP, conducted comprehensive training on the school feeding programme for members of school management committees, school inspectors, school cooks, and school directors in Baucau Municipality. The training covered topics such as nutrition, rice fortification, and food safety. A total of 200 participants from four of the six Administrative Posts in Baucau attended the sessions.
• As part of the national school feeding programme, 293 schools provided 71.84 metric tons of fortified rice in September, serving 52,012 students across three municipalities: Baucau, Bobonaro, and Manufahi.
• The Government of Timor-Leste, supported by WFP, launched the Global Task Force on Social Protection, Nutrition, Human Capital, and Local Economic Development during the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) held in New York in July. Co-chaired by the governments of Chile and Timor- Leste, this initiative seeks to elevate dialogues on how robust national social protection systems can be a pivotal tool for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (Zero Hunger), especially in fragile and least developed countries (FLDCs). It also aims to support global efforts to advance inclusive and sustainable development, aligned with the 2030 Agenda for universal social protection.
• In July, the French Government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation contributed EUR 500,000 (equivalent to USD 541,712) to WFP for Strengthening Nutrition Interventions in Social Protection of Timor- Leste: Support to vulnerable populations for a nutrition- sensitive social protection pilot