• WFP held a ceremony for Nutrition Education School Club (NESC) with Ministry of Education to celebrate the achievement of students completing Nutrition Education School Clubs in Dili.
• WFP is transporting 500 metric tonnes (mt) of fortified rice from two private rice millers to schools in three municipalities to support the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of State Administration's School Meals Programme.
• WFP convened meetings with the technical working group (TWG) co-chairs to collaborate on shaping the anticipatory action (AA) roadmap. This initiative aims to integrate the AA strategy in national practices under the umbrella of the anticipatory action TWG in Timor-Leste.
Operational Updates
• WFP, in support of the Government of Timor-Leste, held a certificate-giving ceremony for the Nutrition Education School Club (NESC), one of the social behaviour change communication (SBCC) programmes, to celebrate the achievement of students completing NESC classes in Dili.
• WFP prepositioned 236 mt of fortified rice from two local rice millers to schools in Baucau, Bobonaro, and Manufahi municipalities for the school meal programme (SMP).
Social Protection / School Feeding
• WFP continued developing the kitchen construction model for school feeding programmes as part of the Say No to Five S (SN5S - starvation, soil-transmitted worms, skin diseases, smoking, sugary/alcoholic drinks) project, in consultation with the Education Infrastructure Department of the Ministry of Education.
• WFP and the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion conducted a field visit to Oecusse municipality to meet beneficiaries for the social protection intervention, following the Ministry’s decision to adopt the specialized nutritious food (SNF) intervention.
• WFP, in support of the Ministry of Education, organized a handover ceremony for the school meal menu at Manleuana School in Dili, which was launched last November based on local food preferences and locally grown seasonal produce.