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WFP Timor-Leste Country Brief, June 2024



• WFP supported the purchase and delivery of 357 mt of Super Cereal Plus for the Ministry of Health (MoH).

• WFP, in coordination with the Ministry of Social, Solidarity, and Inclusion (MSSI), started food distribution to 18,000 El Niño-Affected people in six municipalities.

Operational Updates


• WFP supported the MoH Directorate of Nutrition in clearing and delivering 357mt of Super Cereal Plus to the MoH national warehouse as part of the service agreement with the entity.

• WFP provided the MoH National Directorate with technical information on the quantity and targeted recipients of the Specialized Nutritious Food (SNF) to be procured. WFP and the MoH advance in discussions on a second procurement of Super Cereal Plus for USD 694,000 in the coming months.

Social Protection / School Feeding

• The Steering Committee for the Say No to 5 S (SN5S) Project met to present the achievements and challenges of the 2024 programme implementation, share key outcomes and output indicators, and discuss the work plan for the year's second half. Attendees included highlevel representatives from KOICA, WFP, WHO, and various Timor-Leste government ministries. The project Say No To 5 S (Starvation, Soil-transmitted Helminthiasis, Skin diseases, Smoking and Sugary/Alcoholic Drinks) in Schools aims at improving health and nutrition of schoolchildren in Timor-Leste.

• A groundbreaking ceremony was held on 6 June to construct one of the SN5S Programme's ten school kitchens in Baucau-EBF Ostico. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Education, the President of the Municipal Authority of Baucau, the WFP Country Representative, and the KOICA Country Director.

• WFP collected and analysed data from qualitative formative research on children’s nutrition status in seven schools across three municipalities. The findings will be published and shared in the third quarter.


• As part of the project funded by the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), WFP started providing food assistance to over 18,000 people affected by the impact of El Niño for the next three months. This initiative, led by the MSSI, the Civil Protection Authority, and other line ministries, will also distribute specialized nutritious foods – Super Cereal – to pregnant and breastfeeding women to prevent malnutrition.