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UNTAET Daily Briefing 10 Feb 2000

Dili, 10 February 2000
Today, in Dili, East Timorese NGOs, led by women's rights organisation called FOKUPERS, organized a workshop to discuss their role in the East Timorese society.

Fifty people attended the event. Among them, representatives of CNRT ( National Council of Timorese Resistence). The main goal of the workshop is to formulate a women's agenda in order to influence decision makers during the transitional administration and later when the country becomes independent.

They discussed the impact of the Indonesian occupation in the rural areas and the struggle of women during this period. The women also highlighted that they were marginalised from decision making process.

The Head of UNTAET's Human Right's Division, Sidney Jones, briefed the audience on the fundamental women's rights and the provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women.


Between 4 and 9 of February, UNICEF has paid incentives to a total of 1.895 teachers in Ainaro, Ermera, Manufahi, Oecussi and Viqueque. Teachers around East Timor are currently giving classes to 109.500 students.

In the last five days, in an effort to rebuild schools, UNICEF distributed 40 metric tones of roofing iron, 7.5 MTs of cement and 540 kg of nails. In addition, twenty-six recreation kits (with a complete soccer kit) and 148 kitchen sets were also distributed in East Timor.