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UNICEF Situation Report: East Timor, 9 Jan 2000

I. General / Security
Security in East Timor remains good, although, the Chief Security Officer has asked all UN staff in Dili to take "sensible precautions to ensure the safety of themselves and their belongings" due to a noted increase in crime and civil disorder in Dili, based on incidents between gangs and unauthorized entry to homes of international staff working for NGOs or the UN.

A demonstration was held in front of the UNTAET office on 5 January with demonstrators asking for increases in wages, employment generation especially for youth, better food distribution and accelerated delivery of shelter materials.

Unemployment continues to be a major issue for concern, especially in town where close to 80 % of the population is estimated to be without any means of earning.

In order to address this issue and also in an effort to move from emergency to rehabilitation. UNTAET has launched a one million US$ Quick Impact Project. As of 7 January, a total of 127.088 displaced persons had returned to East Timor from the western border.

II. Funding / Visitors

A Japanese International Cooperation agency (JICA) team is currently in East Timor, looking at opportunities for Japanese Government funding in the areas of Health, Education, Water and Sanitation. The team has met with UNICEF

III. Sector Updates


UNICEF has developed a consolidated national Database on Primary School as a basis for distribution of food to teachers for school feeding for students and for payment of teacher incentives. This Database is in high demand by other international/national agencies undertaking Education activities in East Timor Primary Teachers financial incentives of 150,000 Rupiah per month per teacher are being paid in the following districts: Baucau û 947 teachers, Los Palos û 430 teachers, Manatuto û 90 teachers and Maubisee-25 teachers. Payment is being extended to other districts as district committees verify teacher registration. Verification and payment of funds is undertaken through Education Sub-committees, using transport and labour from the Church and CNRT. As supplies arrive from Darwin, the School-in-a-Box & recreational/sporting kits' are being distributed.

Some building materials have been distributed to the Philippines Engineering Regiment for the rehabilitation of schools in Manatuto, and deliveries are taking place through Thai and Australian Interfet in Baucau/Vemasse and Oekussie . Building materials will be distributed for the rehabilitation of about 90 schools by the end of January.

Training of Trainers: Primary Teacher Training is starting on 10th January in Dili, and follow-up training will continue throughout the year, moving to cluster schools at district and sub-district level


The UNICEF supported team of 18 nurses from the Lahane nursing school has continued measles immunization; as of 7th January 2000, a total of 45,111 children had been immunized. The nurses work in 3 teams: one based on the transit center (Tacitolu), the second team visiting clinics on a rotation basis and the third team visiting schools and other public centers. Other teams move from districts to district, from Suai in December to Maliana in January.


A team of local technicians from the former water and sanitation division in the department of Health continued installation of handpumps in the peri-urban areas of Dili. Close to 150 handpumps have been installed, each pump serving an average of 3-4 families.

Handpumps and other materials were also provided to the Christian Children's Fund (CCF) for installation in Fatumeta and Fatuhada villages in the outskirts of Dili.

Water and Sanitation supplies were also provided to Action Contre la Faim in Manatuto district.


UNICEF has concluded a contract with Christian Children's Fund (CCF) to establish the Komoro Child and Youth Centre (KCYC) and extend services to women and children affected by the recent violence. This centre will provide a safe and friendly environment for children in ages between 0-18.

For more information on UNICEF, see its website at