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Training helps government to better manage and prevent community conflict in Timor-Leste

Dili, 30 January 2012 — Staff from Timor-Leste’s National Directorate for Community Conflict Prevention (DNPCC) are learning the skills they need to record, analyse and use information to help decision makers better manage and prevent conflict in the country.

“This training is important for the stability of the country,” said the Secretary of State for Security Francisco Guterres, who oversees the DNPCC. “It will enable DNPCC staff to correctly analyse conflicts and write clear and well-reasoned reports, which in turn enable the government to make the right decisions.”

Starting on 24 January, 25 DNPCC staff members and the Directorate’s 50 district-based representatives are improving their ability to identify conflict incidents, effectively document and analyse the situation, and select the appropriate response within each community. The non-governmental organization, Belun, is providing the training. It has been working on local conflict analysis and early warning reporting in Timor-Leste for many years.

The programme was jointly designed and planned by the DNPCC and the UNDP/UNMIT project called “Strengthening Civilian Oversight and Management Capacity in the Security Sector.” This initiative builds on the United Nations support to DNPCC over the past four years.

“We are pleased to be able to support these workshops, which will strengthen DNPCC’s capacity in important skills central to their role, especially as we head into a period of heightened political activity,” said Kevin Chang, Chief Technical Advisor of the joint UNDP/UNMIT initiative.

The training supports the achievement of the Government’s efforts to improve public safety and security as well as its National Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030.

For more information, please contact:

Jose Marcelino Cabral Belo
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Head of Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit
Tel: +670 723 1013

Carlos Araujo
UNMIT Spokesperson
Tel: +670 731 1513