Today the AAI DART was pleased to provide
a mobile clinic capability to a Ministry of Health immunization initiative.
This required us to leave Dili, and drive to the close southern Dili mountain
ranges, and then carry on, on foot up a steep mountain trail, for about
2 hours, to give primary health service to a village, with no road access.
At the same time a number of personnel from the MoH traveled with us to
carry on their important immunization program.
Once at the village, AAI members treated
33 patients with a variety of illnesses and conditions. Life for IDP's
fleeing to the hillside villages surrounding Dili had been tense, and many
people displayed their stress in the form of physical illness, as a manifestation
of the frustrations of a displaced life. It was, however, a picturesque
location, a hilltop overlooking Dili and the harbor to the north, and a
traditional peaceful Timorese village. This village, Karau Maten, had operated
as a safe haven for many IDP's escaping the threat of violence in Dili.
As we climbed back down to our vehicle, AAI medics were asked to visit a bedridden patient, off the trail. On attendance at the patient's house, it was surmised that the 20 year old man had broken his femur, and would require evacuation to the Dili Hospital for effective treatment. AAI medics quickly set about splinting his leg and giving pain relief to the patient, and organized a group of porters to carry him down the steep mountainside. AAI volunteer, and full time ambulance officer from Australia, Tim Semple, ensured the correct care to the patient, and a calm authoritive method, while other members organized the local porters and the setting up of the AUSTCARE vehicle to facilitate safe transport to the hospital.
Representatives from the Ministry of Health were impressed, and supported AAI's efforts by organizing a vehicle escort to the Dili Hospital and access to the busy emergency department.
Today was a great example of the professional back up and management of AUSTCARE and technical skill and vigor of AAI combining to provide a terrific outcome for a community in Timor-Leste. It was also a good opportunity to involve ourselves in an event coordinated directly by the Ministry of Health.
Both AUSTCARE and AAI are glad of the opportunity to facilitate such aid to the people of Timor-Leste.